Error in file source web address when previewing pages from Dreamweaver CS3


New Member

When I preview a page in Internet Explorer that I have created in Dreamweaver CS3 a strange file path appears in the web address bar. It looks almost like a temporary file, and ends in htm rather than html.

For example:

I:\Karen's Documents\Music, Rhyme, Talking Time\mrtt_website\TMPe99l5ghfxt.htm

rather than

I:\Karen's Documents\Music, Rhyme, Talking Time\mrtt_website\mrtt_home.html

When I navigate away from this page and then come back to it the correct path is shown. It happens for all pages that I preview.

Will this be a problem when my site goes live? How can I fix this?

Thanks for your help. This is all new to me :)



New Member
I strongly doubt it will be a problem when your website goes live, but that is weird. I always felt there was something strange about dreamweaver launching browsers for previews.