Email this page


New Member
Does anybody know how you add the option to email a page. So for example I come across a web page and I know a friend who could benefit from the info so I click the option and input their email address and a little message and click send. Is this easy or hard to incorporate.

Thanks for reading



New Member
Im aiming for something like what can be done with Blogs where you click the option and you can send the page with a nice personalised message.



New Member
Oh ok then. It's rather simple:

Add this js:

<script language="javascript">
function mailpage()
mail_str = "mailto:?subject=Check out the " + document.title;
mail_str += "&body=I thought you might be interested in the " + document.title;
mail_str += ". You can view it at, " + location.href;
location.href = mail_str;

You can edit this ^^ in the obvious places.

Then, take the text that you want to link, and put it inside a <a href...> tag.. Make the text link to :


Hope this helps,
