Email Marketing Campaigns


New Member
If your website doesn't have a sign up form for a newsletter, you are losing very valuable prospect data. When a visitor goes to your website, they are often looking for a product or information that you provide. It makes sense, then, that many of these visitors would be willing to sign up for a newsletter with good quality content and more information on your industry and products.

By starting a monthly email newsletter, you will be able to collect prospect data and be able to stay in touch with your customers and most interested prospects. You'll increase your visitor to sales conversion rate, while at the same time build your reputation in your industry and relationships with your customers and prospects.


New Member
I do not agree with that. If anything they won't sign up as they don't want to be annoyed by advertising monthly newspaper. I've tried it before, it doesn't work.


New Member
Well... I respect your opinion. In my experience, it has worked in past projects and now I am about to start a new email marketing campaign.


New Member
Email marketing is still an affective online marketing strategy. The conversion rate is high as compared to other methods.


New Member
Infomist Services

A Email marketing campaign is gives benefit to your site. But link building gives much more benefit. By submitting to directories and related sites.