Easily updated web page text area via .txt file mod


New Member
Where do I go, what do I need to
look at, etc. to design the portion of
a page that updates the text based
on text pulled in from a .txt file
residing on the web server?

The whole page will stay static,
except for a small rectangle of text
that will be updated with new events
or items or happenings. As new things
come up, the .txt file gets edited,
so that the next time someone opens
the web page, they see the new text
pulled in from that .txt file.

I'm using a number of tools, most
of it HTML and JavaScript, but when
it comes to trying to add an easily
updated window like this, I'm lost
and need to get a handle on it to
get going on it.

Thanks in advance for any URLs and



New Member
A CMS might be overkill for what you are trying to do, the easiest way to do it is to use an iframe something like:

<iframe height="350" frameborder="0" align="center" width="100%" src="http://test.txt" border="0">
