Div tag issue


New Member
I'm having an issue with customizing a word press page (that I didn't build). I want the section "Bee Removal by Location" to be centered next to the testimonial module, but I can't find the right tag to do it. The code I'm working with as it stands right now is:

<div style="position:absolute; left: 899px; top: 742px;">
<p align="center"><a href="http://brsr.org/" class="style17">Bee Removal by Location</a></p>
<br />
<p align="center"><span class="style15"><span class="style18"><a href="http://localbeeremoval.com/">Los Angeles</a></span></span></p>
<p align="center" class="style16"></p>
<p align="center" class="style16"><a href="http://orangecountybeeremoval.com/" class="style18">Orange County</a></p>
<p align="center" class="style16"></p>
<p align="center"><span class="style18"><a href="http://brsr.org//">More Areas</a></span></p>

but the absolute position apparently isn't worthwhile if you resize the browser window. The link is:


Any help on this would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


New Member
It looks like you may be attempting to put this "bee removal by location" into the wrong wordpress file.

Is the testimonial module a widget in a sidebar of sorts? I know some themes will line up content up and down on the page using sidebars even tho it's not really a side bar.. There are a couple different files that will generate the main text on the page, Do you have a link to the theme you are using , If you are using a theme(even if you edited it a lot to make it look how you want) and a link to the testimonial module so I can try it myself?

How does the testimonial module "fit" into the theme? If it is just code you placed in the theme you could possible 'wrap' it with a table and then set the table to have two columns, the left one for the testimonials and the right one for the location area.


New Member
Unfortunately, this isn't a page that I personally constructed so I don't know if a theme was used or not. I've tried using a table with two columns in order to organize the data how I want it to look, but when published it alters the entire layout of the page in a very displeasing way.

I've found that the testimonial link is just an image with a link attached that takes you to the testimonials page so it's not really a module either.


New Member
I just want to comment on your animation in the header of the home page. I love it! I was lol'n after I watched it.


New Member
Haha thanks a lot, although I didn't put that together myself.

I've been playing around with div positions and the z-index CSS property and I still can't get that text where I want it to be. :mad:

Any more suggestions or would it help if I pasted the entire page's code?


New Member

I fixed it by adding this code to the internal style sheet:

div.moreareas {

I was originally trying in-line style changes only but this did the trick.
