Whats being used on this page to stretch the main background: http://completepcrecycling.us/about-us/ between that page and the main homepage: http://completepcrecycling.us/? I'm editing this site for a friend and not quite sure he wants a textarea there and would perfer it to be on the page itself, But everytime I add it it throws off the 3 images at near the bottom and knocks everything out of alignment.. He likes usually having me edit his sites for him, Cause he likes the fact that I'll learn newer stuff and that I'm quite cheaper than a pro.. He's also hell bent on getting me to switch from Windows over to Linux completely..LoL!! But I think that I need to use a lil longer/white background area... But is there being a image used or a certain attribute or what exactly? I'm pretty much somewhat of a beginner novice..
Okay so after asking around someone said:
Okay so after asking around someone said:
I asked but didn't never got an answer...The method is used is 100% height, but on that 2nd page you linked to,the center body wrapper floats are not cleared, so the wrapper doesn't stretch and 'contain' it's contents correctly.
And I already tried adding "height: 100%;" and it didn't work so if someone could point me in the right direction to what it is and where exactly it is that I need to edit add and change, That would be really great and I'd appreciate it very much...Okay is that this right here
Source 1st Page: "<div id="body_container">
<div id="body_base" style="text-align: center;">"
and how the 2nd Page is missing the: "<div id="body_base" style="text-align: center;">" or am I lost and missing something completely?
Or is it somewhere in the .CSS file and not in the .php page content..
If it is the .css file: "#body_wrapper{
float: left;
width: 100%;
}" Should I change it from that to: "#body_wrapper{
float: left;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;