A while ago I included a whole section of what I thought were interesting articles on my web sites. These articles came from ezine and similar places. I now want to totally remove them from my web site. I'm worried that if others have those same articles on their sites then that could be classed as duplicate content. I've been trying to figure out the best way to do this. Would this be best idea:
1. Remove all links to these Article pages from everywhere on my web site
2. Put this tag in the Head section of the pages I want to remove: <meta name="robots" content="no index">
3. Wait a couple of weeks and check to ensure they are no longer listed in Google's search results and then delete the pages.
Is there something better I should be doing or would this be fine please?
1. Remove all links to these Article pages from everywhere on my web site
2. Put this tag in the Head section of the pages I want to remove: <meta name="robots" content="no index">
3. Wait a couple of weeks and check to ensure they are no longer listed in Google's search results and then delete the pages.
Is there something better I should be doing or would this be fine please?