CSS Website Feedback and Questions


New Member
Hi everyone, I am new to the site.

I am developing my website for my motocross team and stumbled upon some question and would like to know if they can be done.

Website: www.TeamPDB.com

I would also like some feedback and please If something is 'bad' tell me how/what to change. Please don't just say Your page is to small make it bigger. Tell me recommended sizes and adjustments. I am no Professional!

Question 1:
With my CSS layout that I like very much can I have the Title bar and side bars stay and not have to reload. Sort of like frames back in HTML land. I would like to do this for fast loading, easier editing, more sync look, and ability to have a song or music player on one side that wont be affected by changing songs.

Question 2:
Where can I find some coding for streaming video like my own you tube with out using you tube. Reason would be for a more professional look. But is probably faster and better just to use youtube?? How hard would it be to have mine own.

End notes: I have never taking any kind of Website, Imaging, Video, Etc. Classes. I do not have a well extensive knowledge so please bare with me if I have a hard time understanding. The graphics, videos, and web design I did so if they need to be edited, I can do that.


New Member
Answer 1: Yes! There are many javascript api's that make AJAX easy - I prefer jQuery

I been doing tons of reading and searching.

I really like jQuery, at first it took me a while to start figuring out why it wont work. Had to upload it to my server silly me Local view don't work.

But I can't seem to find any tutorial on how to set it up my page to work the way I want it. (keeping the #header #lftcolum Etc. But not the body)

I found so many different lil codes for amazing things that I didn't know where so easy to do. I will end up using some of those jQuery codes but I need to get my page layout set up first.

I did find one tutorial but it was way to slow on the loading. Tutorial


New Member
Alright I think im going to skip doing the frame changing style and just let it reload the whole page.

It just sucks though when I go make 1 simple change to a column i have to make the change 10+ times. Professionals gotta have some simple setup around this.


New Member
heh read that article.

And i have been incorporating a lot of jQuery and Ajax styling into my website.

It really helps and makes a big difference. I couldn't really figure out a way to keep the nav bars and keep it set up the way I like it but i have been able to do so much like secondary page save. It looks a heck of a lot more professional I love it.

I also got into the youtube stuff and with the youtube videos Ajaxed using Jquery It looks professional unique AND I found out how to alter the embed coding to show only the high quality.

There is still so much with jquery that I can do and change its amazing how simple it is one I got some sleep and starting trying different commands.
In time I might be able to learn enough to set up it the way i originally wanted. Yet, now i have open doors to so many new things.

Thanks again!!!!
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