Hi Everyone,
I want my sidebar image to reach the bottom of my page and stay there!
I set my css up so it repeats to the bottom of my longest page, the problem is that where I have other shorter pages the image continues on!
My Stylesheet currently reads:
I posted a similar topic a while back, but never quite got the answer. I have heard a wrapper div could help me but I don't seem to have a wrapper and I don't know what one is!
If anyone could give me a snippet of code that would solve the problem i'd love it!
You can visit the html site at: Natural Energy Directory
Many thanks!
I want my sidebar image to reach the bottom of my page and stay there!
I set my css up so it repeats to the bottom of my longest page, the problem is that where I have other shorter pages the image continues on!
My Stylesheet currently reads:
Theme Name: WP-Andreas01
Theme URI: http://andreasviklund.com/wordpress-themes/
Description: Based on the <a href="http://andreasviklund.com/templates/andreas01/">andreas01 free website template</a>, this WordPress theme version provides a simple, stylish and useful design that is easy to customize for your needs. Updated to work with WordPress 3.0+. Please report errors to the theme designer.
Version: 3.0 beta
Author: Andreas Viklund
Author URI: http://andreasviklund.com/
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I posted a similar topic a while back, but never quite got the answer. I have heard a wrapper div could help me but I don't seem to have a wrapper and I don't know what one is!
If anyone could give me a snippet of code that would solve the problem i'd love it!
You can visit the html site at: Natural Energy Directory
Many thanks!