css positioning


New Member
hello all, i'm fairly new to this and had a few newbie questions.
first of all, i know this topic has been discussed before, but i have looked around and read plenty of posts and am still a bit unclear on the subject. (so please don't respond with an angry reply that doesn't help me at all)
my question is simple. i am using div tags with individual formatting for the buttons on a header, which looks fine when the page is maximized, but when i resize, some of the div tags move down a space to fit on the page and screw up all the formatting.....which positioning scheme can fix this, i swear i've tried them all and they all do the same thing (or screw up my floats)

example: http://monkeyflower.xtreemhost.com/index.php


New Member
I am not 100% sure if I have the right end of the stick here. But If you are just trying to stop the "Free Music" menu option wrapping when the browser is re-sized then use the "white-space" property in your style as follows:

#top #t1 {
font-family:"Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed",Helvetica;




New Member
i would also move your css to a secondary file (such as css.css) and have it load like a secondary javascript or application in your header. also, i would clean up your embedding code since you have alot of javascript in the body that would do alot better in the header.


New Member
good advice

thanks a lot for the advice.....i moved all my css to a new file, i'm not sure how to clean the code up much more, maybe you could elaborate.....also, i have tested accessing the site on a few different computers, and the site loads incredibly slow! is this more of a function of the server, or is my page size too great? and, i am nowhere to be found on google :(. site's not finished yet though.