CSS Panel Dreamweaver question...


New Member
Simple little question, hope someone can answer...

When I am working in DW, I see on the CSS Styles panel that I have the option to throw some style sheets away, but on others, the trash option is grayed out.

Does anyone know why? Thanks!


Super Moderator
Staff member
hey anna,
when you say "on others", do you mean on other installations/versions of DW or on other pages you are working on?


New Member
Hi Pixel,

I mean that I have several style sheets in my css styles panel and one of them does not have the option of throwing out but every other style listed does have the option. Here are a couple of screen shots, maybe they will explain better.


  • ss01.jpg
    37.6 KB · Views: 56
  • ss02.jpg
    33.3 KB · Views: 55


New Member
Try not selecting the style sheet, but instead click in the white area around it.

Hopefully this picture helps:

After clicking in the white space near the style sheet


Note that doing this will cut off the reference to the external sheet, and will likely leave a bit of "orphaned" code in your html.

Hope this helps,

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New Member
Thank you for the suggestion, Lou; unfortunately it didn't really make a difference... :( Oh well, I was just curious, if you think of anything else, please let me know. Thank you for your help!


Super Moderator
Staff member
You know Anna after looking at the screen shots, I am not sure as to why you can delete one and not the other, especially when it looks like they are the same class? I do use DW but I don't use the CSS panel. I tend to just go through everything manually.

Looks like your using CS4 too huh? I am jealous :) I love the tabbing feature in all the CS4 apps.


New Member
Yes Pixel, I am using CS4. What version are you using? What tabbing features do you speak of? Am I missing out?!? :)


New Member
He's referring to the tab feature when you have multiple documents open.



It's much easier to switch between documents this way, as opposed to having another instance of Dreamweaver open.
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New Member
Oh, BTW, I figured the style sheet problem out.

I was working off my style sheet when I was trying to trash them so it wouldn't let me. As soon as I clicked "source code" then the option to throw them away was available.

Thanks for all your help gentlemen!