CSS Issue - Easy Fix - Help Me!


New Member
Hey Guys.


This is the website in question.

The issue i'm having is the navigation on the left hand side won't come down and fill in to the bottom of the page.

What's the fix for this? Since lots of pages will be centred with div's floated inside I really need to know this.

I'm new to using CSS, I used to design using absolute values which was horrible.

Thanks all, your a great community here.

Andy D.


New Member
Surely one of your Pro's must know how to fix this?

I have been looking around the net and people are talking about having another wrapper or something with

Clear: both;

in the body?


Super Moderator
Staff member
the markup for the menu should be using an unordered list not a series of paragraphs...besides that what is the reason for having the menu at 100% height?


New Member
Try this. Currently you have:

<div id="nav"> menu html </div>
<div id="content"> content html </div>

Instead, put in a wrapper div like so:

<div id="contentArea">
    <div id="nav"> menu html </div>
    <div id="content"> content html </div>

Where contentArea has the width of nav + content and a black background. You may then need to make some modifications to the margins / padding of the nav and content divs, depending upon how things work out.

For someone new to css positioning you're pretty close conceptually. Keep at it; it's a bit of a pain to learn but once you're comfy with it you'll find it so much easier to work with than either absolute positioning or table-based designs (/shudder).

Best of luck.

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New Member
Looks like u solved ur problem yeah?
Not sure what u wanted.

Side issue, think 'Deisel' should be spelt 'Diesel' although that might depend on what country u r from. :)
