CSS Effects Framework?


New Member
With all these great new web development resources like Bootstrap, Zurb, etc., I was wondering if there is a css "effects" stylesheet available that has general css effects like text-shadow, box shadows, gradients, html5 animations, etc... Just a single or couple of stylesheets you could include in your web projects so you're not constantly adding little things time after time to your own CSS.

Let me know if you know of any.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I'm not much for using code written by other people, but I do like tools that make my life easier. If you're interested in learning SASS, the Compass library is pretty much exactly what you're looking for. It uses the power of SASS mixins (which you can also create yourself) to make things super easy.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
you could include in your web projects so you're not constantly adding little things time after time to your own CSS.

So why not simply build your OWN library???