css dropdown menu problem- pls help


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am working on the following site:


2 problems are:

1 if you take mouseover on services button, dropdown menu is hiding behind <div> block.

2 In mozilla, outline (border color) of top navigation links is white, but in IE it is coming as blue. I don't want to display border color of top navigation links.

If possible pls provide appropriate solution.

Thanks all


New Member
Problem 1: Not sure, probably can fix it with a z-index = -1 on the center class in your styles stylesheet.

Problem 2: When you wrap a link around an image by default it puts a border around the image. In your menu stylesheet add

.menu1 img {border:none;}


New Member
try applying {position:absolute} that should bring the dropdown menu to the frount.

check out this url for drop down menus... http://sperling.com/examples/menuh/

also just another recomendation - your images are taking a long time to load, they are probarbly to large. try reducing their size.


New Member
i didn't see the blue border but you need to reduce image size and resize drop menu image so i could give you opinion