Could somone help me please!!


New Member
Hi everyone

Im new here.

I have created a website at home, using frontpage 2005, photoshop and some dreamweaver...
I have a template for my website in frontpage, and im using the other apps to add too it.

The way my template works, is by having the colour of my football team all around the edge and then having a white box in the center to place pics and information.
The main prob im having is without having a scrollbar in the white box in the middle, when i get to the bottom of the box it just expands, making the site look really long...

Getting to the point...Does anyone know how too add a scrollbar into the white space i have in my template, so that i can keep the original size of my website the same and use the scroll bar function to make the white box expand, ive had a little play with dreamweaver but have struggled, as im new too coding!!

for your time, and sorry for posting a boring one too start with..



New Member
Possibily try frames

Maybe first thing you can do is try and stop using Front Page, its not the best program for web designing. If you have DW then use this its much much better.

Im not quite sure what you mean but i believe a simple solution would be using Frames. This 'white' area could simply be a new Frame where your other pages could be loaded into, this way no matter how 'long' the page is it wont matter because it will be viewed in this Frame.

Frames are quite simple coding, just google it im sure there will be loads of stuff,

try (this is the first and normally last place you need to luck)

Good luck, i hope this sort of answers your questions


New Member
JAYBOB said:
Maybe first thing you can do is try and stop using Front Page, its not the best program for web designing. If you have DW then use this its much much better.

You'd be surprised how many webmasters I know who make quite good livings using Frontpage.

rhardy, from what I can see, you have two choices. Either a frame or a layer. Frames are easier to set up but are not very search engine friendly since they are basically a page within a page. Layers (or divs), on the other hand, don't use the page within a page to display information. They are harder to work with as far as getting the placement just right for cross browser compatibility.

If you want to try frames, Frontpage should have a pretty good help section on setting up frames. I'm not sure how they handle <divs>. in the help section. I haven't used it enough to find out.