Costs of Building a our own Client Access


New Member
I work for an investment advisory firm and I am trying to research the costs and time daily time involvement of building our own client access, that would allow clients to securely log in to our company website to see account specific data.

Here is a short run down. We have a portfolio management system that exports a .XML file of releveant data points such as multiple time periods for performance, account values, specific holdings etc. One of the biggest complications of this data is it exports performance on monthly intervals, so if a years worth of performance is computed you'll have to compound the monthly values. In some cases depending on cash flows, these month intervals may be broken down in even smaller time periods, which would have to also be compounded. I believe the most labor intensive part of this process would be the development of the coding to accurately compute performance for the time periods we select.

We have found a firm that specializes in this type of website design and integration with our portfolio management system. I feel their prices are reasonable, but I just need to do my due diligence. So I would like opinions of the one time costs(including the cost of a designer), the recurring costs, and the daily time investment necessary for these processes. I cannot reiterate enough how important security is for this purpose. Thank you for all the help, if I have left anything out please let me know.


New Member
Nobody can give you an accurate price without a full specification of what it does and how it does it.

As such, it could be anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000+ it all depends on what you want to achieve, how you want it to work, etc.


Super Moderator
Staff member
if you need something designed like that with very sensitive information and security as your main concern, I cant stress enough that its worth shopping around.

...and, you get what you pay for...
depending on the amount of clients you have and the amount of raw data you need to be computed it would be very difficult to give you a figure. but leroy is close to the mark. I couldnt imagine it being done to the level you require for less than 10-20k.

not sure where you are based, but a company I regularly use for my own high end clients is elcom.
they also have a base in usa and just launching in singapore.
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