Contact Form Problem


New Member
I just built a website using a CMS at the client's request (MagicEdit). It was actually pretty easy to use and it has forms built into the HTML, which I set up and pointed the contact form to the client's email. My problem is, now the clients want to save the info to a file rather receive as email. I know this is supported and I followed the documentation, but it's not working. Anyone else here using MagicEdit/something similar and know the solution?


New Member
Does your client know that an email is a file? :)

What type of file is this client looking for and how will they recieve this file? Are they looking for the information to be stored in a database viewable via secure login?


New Member
Good question, but I think my client knows that an email is a file. I'd have to check with him to be sure :)

Actually, my client was reading the documentation and pointed me to it. It says that you can store all the contact form data in one csv file that is not displayed on the site (it's accessible via FTP). I gave the file a name but when I FTP into the site, there' no file.


New Member

I'd verify the file save location. Just as a double check to see if it isn't actually going somewhere else.

And also check that locations write permissions. If it is trying to write to somewhere below the website root, permissions may not allow that.


New Member
Thanks for the reply. Just came back to say that I had figured it out, and it seems you figured it out too. I was looking for the file in the /pages folder but the file is saved to the root folder, which would explain why the file isn't publicly accessible. Thanks again!