Begginer Help: Pop-up Menu and Advice


New Member
Hey. I'll try to be concise.
I've been working with Photoshop and Illustrator for years, but I felt I needed to develop myself so I decided to learn web design. I know very little about coding.
So, I started off with using Dreamweaver CS5 and following Total Training: Extreme Website Makeover with John Ulliman. It's from 2006 but it seems extensive.
From the start I skiped a couple of lessons, so I used the files provided by the tutorial. (migh be a problem with different software versions?)
The problem is that when I make a pop-up menu in Fireworks CS5 using the Image way not just the HTML option, it doesnt' show properly. I import it into the template, then save (with the css and javascript files saved in the template folder also). But the image styled menu only shows in the template.

When I update the pages it shows the menu options at the bottom left corner of the page.
I copied the css and javascript in the root folder and the menu showed, just in the HTML form, no styling what so ever.

I moved to making a photo gallery page. The same problem appeared with the pop up menu in these pages too, copied the css and js and it showed the menu WITH image styling, just in the index.htm page of the gallery, but not in the others.
I know, being created from the same template, these pages should just use the same css and js files, without me needing to copie them into every page to show the menu half-way. Oh, the gallery pages use a second modified template with just one wide editable region, the first dwt had 2.
I'm guessing it might be a problem with the template because I set the page position left and top to 0 pixels so it "sticks" to the top and left border of the browser, but the pages don't pick up on this setting neither.

So any help with this problem?

Also, as a begginer what do I need to do to learn more?
I don't have any education in the field (no HTML in the Political Science Faculty:) ), so I am trying to read about codes, at least so I can understand when I look at my code.
Are WYSIWYG programs enough or do I need to learn to write code? (personally I much prefer the graphic designing part being a graphic designer)


  • Source.txt
    7.7 KB · Views: 33
  • CSS.txt
    2.8 KB · Views: 34
  • JS.txt
    2 KB · Views: 36


New Member
Hi Nassir, I think the problem is that you do not actually link to your css file. I see this in your html file <link href="../Alienauto_styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Make sure that this is the name of the file with the css.

To be honest, a wysiwig source, to a programmer, is an they are generally very hard to read, confusing and use outdated methods. For the beginner to try and edit anything in the source is very hard.

I would head over to the W3C site and take some HTML tutorials and try to build a simple site from scratch, forget about javascript for now as that requires extra learning. If you nail html and css those are great skills to have. Especially if you are already a designer! Good luck