Background music on a website? I Would like some advice on this- please see question.


New Member
With background music on a website, is it better to have it start automatically when the homepage loads or to give the website user the option of starting it manually or not at all (i.e. a music player with basic buttons: play, pause or stop)?

Feel free to request additional details if needed.
Any help/advice greatly appreciated! :)


New Member
I am curious to how many viewers actually like any music on websites. I close sites immediately when they start playing music.

Is there any studies or polls regarding this? I get clients asking for music and I would really like some backup to my personal hate for site music.

On a side note, if you put music and have it start to play automatically...FADE IT IN, edit the track to start low and gradually go to normal volume. Saves being blasted by music when you don't even know its coming and your speakers are cranked up.

And DEFINATELY allow them to turn it off, and make it clearly visible for them to do so.


New Member
give them the option to turn it on. My speakers are normally up rather high and i'm always fumbling to turn off some sites crappy techno because they want to force you to listen to something on their site. the only times i know it works is if it is a bands website since you know they will have their own music on their website. otherwise i would keep it off of the site entirely.


New Member
I prefer not to have music on a website. Especially if you are in a business environment and you get caught looking at websites rather than working. :)


New Member
Thanks for the feedback everyone! This helps me incredibly. :D

@rarepearldesign: I do not know of any studies on this topic but I will let you know if I ever come across something of value.


New Member
I would not recommend music on the website it's slow down the page loading and take visitor attention away