Background image dimension for Dreamweaver CS3


New Member
I am new to web design. Can someone tell me the correct dimension of a background image to ensure maximum visibility when the site is opened?


New Member
The dimensions of any image is up to you, so I suppose you should just go with what looks good! Bigger image equals more visibility. Pretty straight forward.


New Member
This really depends on what your background image is. If it's a gradient that goes say from blue to white then set your background color to white, make the image 1 pixel wide by whatever height is required to complete your gradient and then set the background image to repeat-x and the background should be fine irregardless of the screen resolution.

If it's more complex then a gradient you should look to making it into a 'tile' that can be repeated on both the x and y axis (as small as possible) and again that should sort you on all resolutions.
