Back-End Use for Customer


New Member
Hello All. I am working on my first professional website and seem to be getting broken in the hard way.

My customer is wanting back-end access to his website so he can change certain elements himself. I would imagine this is somehow done with php but I don't even know where to begin.

Does anyone have any advice or know of any documentations that would guide me through this? Your help is greatly appreciated!


Super Moderator
Staff member
1. google cms
2. find one that does what you need (wordpress, joomla, etc...)
3. download a copy of it, read the install instructions, follow the prompts
4. design your own template
5. implement it into the cms.
6. train yourself to be confident in chosen CMS, then train your client to use it as well.

it doesnt really matter what CMS you use, but make sure that whatever one you chose that you learn how to modify everything about it (and if it wont let you modify then dont use it!)


New Member
I recommend wordpress. It's free and easy to use. Your host probably has a one-click install for it. Creating custom themes is a bit trickier. If you send me your design, I can tell you how much it would cost to implement that design into a wordpress theme. Or if you are good with CSS, you can take a free theme that has the structure and just change the css to fit your design. You can find tons of tutorials on Youtube for learning wordpress but that takes time.

The other way is to use a service like cushy-cms with your html site. It's free and it gives the customer the option to change content-images on the pages that are set up already. (But not to add pages).