back button disabled


New Member
I've come across a problem. I just added a news link to my web site, and one of the links on it's page opens in _self, and when I back track to return to my page, it won't release. It attempts to to return, puts my page in the address for about one second, then returns to the page just viewed.

It won't let go.

This is the link

< "ignore this text, it's to show the code itself" a href="/r/05KQAC65=2B9p3CnEOW2BSxTYwR=2B1q7NTh4HoNIm3wgP2NdZOZmWeZWXet0Vx=2B1iKhn 21QWiB0doZX=2BMZTmuKXY9L40HqAUAZD6V=2BaRSnX83lQ=3D" class="title" onMouseover="window.status=''; return true;" onMouseout="window.status=' '; return true;">Saw II"

I can only assume the return true has something to do with why I can't leave their site with the back button.

Is there a way to bypass that, so the back button works ?

To see the actual link, just use this link

It would seem the back button works just fine as long as you didn't reach the site from inside a frame.

Question still exists. The link above is a link from a page from another page.
ie: my page links to a news page, where this link exists.

To see the problem, you need to visit my site, the news link
and choose the 1st link down the side Beverley Mitchell News, that sends you to, and the 3rd link from the top Saw II
Quote to link "Reviewed by: Edward Douglas Rating: 7 out of 10 Movie Details: View here "

Then it opens in it's own window and disables the back button.
Need a way to disable it's code so the back button works.


New Member
That's not a solution. It's something I've never thought of, I've used the pulldown to find the last link and go there to bypass any crap like this at that site and that was normally more than enough.

but even that failed with this code.
I am afraid that you are not going to be able to avoid this problem if you continue to use frames. Frames work in affect as two web browsers in one. Each loading separate content. Therefore if you wish to move back a page you must move back two frames.

There are other issues with the use of frames such as search engines performance will be hindered and user accessibility will be limited to certain platforms.

If you are serious about your site I would recommend taking the time to learn a little about css. Once you get your head around the basics everything falls into place pretty easily and the benefits are well worth your time.

Good luck with your site

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