
  1. I

    Form backend service

    Here is some HTML form code you can drop into your website to get a Form backend service working in a few minutes without the need of a backend programming language ``` <form action="{form-id}" method="post"> <label for="email">Your Email</label> <input name="email"...
  2. B

    Best web design institute in delhi

    sithub web design institute is best for beginners in uttam nagar
  3. S

    Need CSS help please

    I have this page https://cprintablescomingsoon .com/get-a-quote/ (<- i have put a space between the domain name and .com to break the link) :) I just need help with something that I can not get it to work. I have used the code .QuoteButtonCustom { position: absolute; top: -150px; }...
  4. C

    Web Designer Interview

    This is a project for school. It would be cool if somebody would answer this. Thanks
  5. K

    Need help with grid sizing

    Hey, my grid's acting funny because not all text is equal. Was thinking maybe a clearfix would fix this, but wanted to see what you all have to say. Mind checking out my pen?
  6. K

    Centering Footer

    Hey guys, I need some help centering this footer. I apologize about the mess as I took it from another pen. In case, I need help centering the footer content. I tried nesting it inside of another div but didn't seem to work correctly. Mind taking a look?