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  1. I

    A "Like" Button Script?

    Well if there is one thing you aren't honest about, it's that you say you want to help people yet make no reasonable attempt to helpfully do so, but instead attack their knowledge and process until you rudely make your point. Besides, if you let your physical ailments affect your demeanor, that...
  2. I

    Rerun JS functions with button onclick

    OP said he had a document with 100 dates. It can be assumed that, at one point or another, he will somehow loop through these dates - it may be only one-at-a-time with button click as you suggest, or he may opt to loop through them or even process them asynchronously. Given that, it is...
  3. I

    Rerun JS functions with button onclick

    I see. And since OP pointed out that this will be, in fact, a continual process, let's go ahead and replicate this to see which has better efficiency in the long-run (since execution time is essentially identical and asymptotic to 0 on a single run of your method or mine). Both functions run...
  4. I

    A "Like" Button Script?

    If this is your goal, your initial response does not adhere to it: That sarcastic and condescending disposition would never help the OP. OP clearly does not know how to implement this functionality, so one could at least provide a series of steps that would be needed: Structure a button in...
  5. I

    Rerun JS functions with button onclick

    Lol why? With only the <div> element, this is what the date container would work out to in HTML (without the line break elements, etc.): <div> Activity Date = Today: (some-date-here) (This should be the same as the Activity Date) Activity Date = Yesterday: (another-date-here) (This...
  6. I


    I thought it might be prudent to point out that the pages are displaying the HTML/PHP sources rather than parsing the code properly, so all your sensitive information such as database passwords are easily accessible right now...
  7. I

    Rerun JS functions with button onclick

    With only one additional function and some additional HTML elements, the code I've included will work fine. I've included <span> tags with ID attributes around your initial date outputs in order to identify their location in the DOM. I added the function updateDates (run on button click)...
  8. I

    A "Like" Button Script?

    You people are probably the most condescending bunch of people who have never actually accomplished the communication of any tangible information. Usually if you want to be holier-than-thou, at least be pedantic to back it up a bit and show off just how much you know so we can be like, "Hey...
  9. I

    Back Linking Question

    So since you'll keep getting getting completely uninformative replies like those above (a common theme on this forum, in the SEO section, which I'm sure you've seen based on your post history): Notion: Backlinks Don't Matter Something I think the above users are having trouble differentiating...