Form Email Results Showing All Fields...


New Member

Sorry to jump on here and ask for help right off the bat. I've got a PHP form set up on a website, and am trying to create an email results page that contains all fields (blank and filled in) and then shows the one that was chosen, preferably via an image.

I'm modeling this on a printout I have of an old one, so I have no coding to look at. I have no idea where to start with this. I've been hunting around on Google for ages.

In case I didn't make sense, here's an example...

On the form, the question would look like:

What's your favorite color?
[ ] blue
[ ] red
[ ] yellow

In the results email, the question would come over:

What's your favorite color?

[*] blue
[ ] red
[ ] yellow

(The checkboxes are replaced by images on the printout.) The results page I have set up now would only show something like:

What's your favorite color? blue

I just need to be pointed in the right direction...
Thank you very much!!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Not forgetting to skip over the $_POST['submit'] key because you probably don't really want submit=submit in the email.